There are two different systems that can operate our body and life. The first one, we call the limited one, is created by a collection of our unaware reactions to a situation that we went through in our life. It does not matter what we went through, not really, it matters what we said to ourselves in any situation, what we did not want to feel underneath. Every ‘say’ we had been coming together with a physical & emotional response that holds this file.
For example, let’s say our teacher gives us feedback, as he cares about us and wants us to bring more of ourselves to the class and our inner response is that we are not good and our physical response is closing our chest and heart area. Maybe the feeling that we were afraid to feel is love?!
Then every time we have this opportunity and support to go beyond ourselves self we will meet this instinct and will close our hearts, and our abilities. That is the limited system, that limits our growth, that limits our potential, that separates us from the love and support that is available for us at any moment.
It is true, that many people live with it, identify with it, with the strength they build and their limitations. With the emotions that hold it together and their unique funny ways to keep it protected.
It feels safe, as we have there the navigation that we know, we learn how to deal with its bags and pain and to live with it. The thing is that we cannot feel nourished, it is a system that separates us from reality, from people, from our soul. That separates us from the field of life energy and creates stress, suffering, and sickness.
It was a moment in my life, that I recognized that my system had been replaced, it was in India after 4 months of meditation intensive program. I actually felt very shaky to go back to my life with a system that I did not know how to operate, so I went to a very special school, with a clear intention to learn to operate this new system in my life. Here was the first step of learning the new operation system.
I moved threw my intention, with no expectation from the place, with no thinking where it would take me in the future from a true heart that wanted to learn to move into my new system that felt like coming home.
We call this system the absolute system, as we feel it is connected to the big field of life, that connects us all, we feel they're potential, and we feel all the support and love to create the true life we want.
The grounding of the system in my life was in the way I went threw with my partner to learn to release our old instincts in our family life and learn our way to hold the absolute system that we both choose.
The thing was that we came from a different way of learning, which created, an even better grounding center that was not separated in any way.
We learn to build our first true union together and create our own new life in the absolute. Then, after we understood it is not possible to operate like that in the limited system we understood it is time to create our own one, our own space for people alike to learn, practice, and share this unlimited flow that is.
The decision to go for it opened us to a new mode in the absolute, till now we were trained in the one mode and moved to the divine two, we practiced the three-family mode, and here was a jump in this system expansion to the whole.
We took a car and started to drive there, it is not the rational story of how we found Gaia but a very absolute one. In the absolute, there is one possibility for any potential you choose to bring into the event.
All the love and support possible will come together to support you when you go out from the limited zone when you find it, you know. It feels like home.
To visit Gaia, visit our website and find your gate, for individual and couple recommend the Yoga and wellness retreat, If you like to come with your family we have family time in Gaia and for organic groups like team’s teamwork/big family/group of friends that like to learn the walk together, the ‘we & me’ wellness retreat can be a super gift to share.
Much love to your way, Eran & Anat